

nadm is a command line interface (CLI) to install and manage Nirmata.


Download the latest release of nadm by selecting your operating system and architecture below:

Follow these instructions to verify the download signature that was created using Nirmata’s PGP key.

You can also download other versions of nadm in the All Releases section.


nadm is a precompiled binary. It is distributed as a zip archive. After download, untar the downloaded package. You can then set permissions and move the binary into a directory in your PATH.

chmod u+x nadm
sudo mv nadm /usr/local/bin/nadm

Test the installation using the command:

nadm version


To view all nadm commands simply type nadm and hit enter:

λ nadm
Install and manage Nirmata. Run "nadm install" for a new installation.

  nadm [command]

Available Commands:
  backup          Backup Nirmata databases
  collect         Collect logs and diagnostic information
  help            Help about any command
  install         Install Nirmata
  reset           Cleanup the cluster installed with nadm
  restore         Load data from a prior backup
  scale           Scale services up or down
  status          Display system state
  uninstall       Uninstall Nirmata services
  version         Print version and build information

  -h, --help                help for nadm
      --nadmconfig string   path to nadm config file

Use "nadm [command] --help" for more information about a command.