

nctl is a command line interface (CLI) for the Nirmata platform.


Download the latest release of nctl by selecting your operating system and architecture below:

Follow these instructions to verify the download signature that was created using Nirmata’s PGP key.

You can also download other versions of nctl in the Stable Releases section.


nctl is a precompiled binary. It is distributed as a zip archive. After download, unzip the downloaded package. You can then set permissions and move the binary into a directory in your PATH.

chmod u+x nctl
sudo mv nctl /usr/local/bin/nctl

Test the installation using the command:

nctl version


To use nctl you will need a Nirmata account and an API access key. To sign in to your account use the nctl login command:

λ nctl login
This command will store your credentials on this device and is not recommended for use on shared devices.
Alternatively, you can use global flags or set the NIRMATA_TOKEN and NIRMATA_URL environment variables.
Enter Nirmata address []:
Enter email:
Enter API key: *** redacted ***

Validating user credentials...done!
Wrote configuration to C:\Users\jbugwadia\.nirmata\config

To view all nctl commands simply type nctl and hit enter:

λ nctl
nctl is the command line interface for Nirmata

  nctl [command]

Available Commands:
  catalogs     Manage applicaton definitions from a catalog
  clusters     View Kubernetes cluster information
  environments Manage environments and workloads
  help         Help about any command
  kubeconfig   Manage Kubernetes client (e.g. kubectl) configurations
  login        Sign in to Nirmata
  raw          Direct access to the Nirmata REST API
  version      Show version and build information

  -h, --help           help for nctl
      --token string   the API token for your Nirmata account (env NIRMATA_TOKEN)
      --url string     the URL address for Nirmata (env NIRMATA_URL) (default "")
  -v, --v Level        log level for V logs

Use "nctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.